Archive for April, 2019

Spring is here…or is it?


Wow…what a crazy winter!  The past few days have been fabulous though and I’m sure everyone is itching to do some gardening.  My early season crops are growing slowly under their row covers and we’re anxiously awaiting the first salads of the year….soon!

On the tomato and pepper front…good news and bad news.  The good news is my tomato seedlings are all potted up and look fantastic!   I have a record number of varieties and they are all on pace to be super hardy and healthy for planting in early May.  The bad news is with the peppers this year.  I used a new seed starting mix this year and I believe it was infested with fungus gnat eggs.  I did all I could to fight them off in February and March, but they really weakened  a lot of pepper plants and killed quite a few of them.  I will have some pepper plants available, but not quite the selection and not quite the size that I hoped.

I’ve tweaked the list a little bit as I found some varieties of plants I missed initially.  Please use this copy of my list as a reference for your plants this year.

2019 Greenhouse Flyer Final

Plant sales will be the following dates:

My home address is 215 East 97th Street, KCMO

April 19:  5 7 p.m. (plants will likely be small on this date, but if you want some of the rare varieties this is your best date to shop.).

April 20: Not open for sales, but come to the Discovery Center and get some free native plants and trees!

April 21:  8 a.m. to Noon

April 25: 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.

April 26:  5 p.m. to 7 p.m.

April 27: 8 a.m. to Noon

May 3:  5 p.m to 7 p.m.

May 4:  8 a.m. to Noon

May 11:  8 a.m. to Noon

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