Archive for February, 2021

2021 Online Plant Ordering and Contactless Pickup Instructions

Well it’s a year later and a lot has changed in he world. Adapting to change is the key to survival and I’m doing my best to adapt to this changing world. Gardening has become exponentially more popular for various reasons recently and I’m loving people’s newfound love of growing veggies! My new business is doing well and we’re looking for another banner year of building gardens and growing veggies for people in heir own backyards!

We’ll again have curbside, contactless pickup with online ordering and payment this year. Hopefully next year we can go back to visiting on the back patio and watching the birds and visiting my garden beds as we talk about gardening. I really miss the many families that come by each year, but I understand that safety is of utmost importance right now as we try and get past the COVID pandemic.

I have drastically cut back on my varieties of tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, cucumber, and herb varieties. Last year I had well over 175 types of plants to sort through and fill orders and had a very difficult time sorting through such a diverse list. As much as I LOVE to grow over 100 types of tomatoes, this year I had to scale way back.

Last year, the world lost one of the goddesses of tomatoes, Remy Rotella. She was a good friend of mine and has helped me in so many ways over the past 15 years. Remy ran a small business called The Sample Seed Shop out of her home in New York. I bought so many varieties from her as she had some of the most unique breeds of tomatoes on the planet! I still have a bunch of seeds from her store and planted about a dozen types this year. I am not publishing what they are, but if you want a “Remy Special” please indicate how many you want and pay for it on your online order. I’m sure you’ll love what I’m growing from Remy’s seeds and her love for tomatoes will grow on in you garden.

To keep my sanity and make this process as effective and efficient as possible, I ask for you to follow these steps to place your orders for plants.

  1. Determine which varieties of tomato, pepper, eggplant, cucumber, and/or herb plants you would like to have in your order and the quantity of each.  Please review my list as some varieties have changed since the initial publication.
  2. Multiply the number of plants you wish to purchase by $2.50 to come up with your total cost.
  3. Use PayPal to send money to If you would, choose “Send Money to a Friend” to save me the PayPal fees….they really take a chunk out of my earnings!
  4. In the “notes” section, include your list of plants (Use the abbreviations if possible) and quantity of each.
    Also include the date you would like to pick up your plants. Plants will be available beginning April 22nd.  Orders must be placed at least FOUR days prior to your pickup date to ensure I have time to fill the order. Remember that pants should not be transplanted until the first week of May. If you pick up your plants early, they will be on the small side, but will be plenty big for transplanting when the time is right.
  5. Plants will be in boxes by my driveway gate beginning at 8 a.m. on the day you indicated that you will pick them up.  My address is 215 East 97th Street, KCMO
  6. Understand that if I am out of a particular variety that you ordered, I will substitute it with a comparable plant variety.

Orders will be filled in order of plant pickup date.  Set your plant pickup date early to have the best chance at getting those special varieties.

If you are unable to pay with PayPal, you may mail me a check along with your list of plants and the date you want to pick them up.  Checks must be received at least one week before the plant pickup date you select.  Makes checks payable to James Worley, 215 East 97th Street, Kansas City, MO 64114

To keep things simple, I will not be selling grow bags or silver mulch film this year.  Doing these online pre-orders will be complicated and time consuming, so I am trying to streamline the process as much as possible.

Please realize that I have hundreds of gardeners visit my backyard each year for plant sales.  I love all of you and especially love seeing you and your families grow.  It pains me greatly not to see you this year, but this will pass and I’ll see you next spring!

Also keep in mind that I am very busy this year with my new business “Yum Yards” and may not have time to answer e-mail questions promptly.

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