Archive for March, 2020

Online Plant Ordering and Driveway Pickup Instructions

Plant Sale Changes due to the COVID-19 Situation


In these uncertain times, I realize that it is even more important than ever for people to grow their own food.  I want to be able to supply gardeners across the city with the best possible tomato, pepper, eggplant, and herb plants in the safest manner possible. With the health crisis of COVID-19 and the need for social distancing to prevent the spread of the virus, I am changing my procedures to ensure greater safety for all of us and the ones we love.   As a result of this I will not have open sale dates this year, but will take online orders only.

To keep my sanity and make this process as effective and efficient as possible, I ask for you to follow these steps to place your orders for plants.

  1. Determine which varieties of tomato, pepper, eggplant, cucumber, and/or herb plants you would like to have in your order and the quantity of each.  Please review my list as some varieties have changed since the initial publication.


  2. Multiply the number of plants you wish to purchase by $2.50 to come up with your total cost.
  3. Use PayPal to send money to
  4. In the “notes” section, include your list of plants (Use the abbreviations if possible) and quantity of each.

    Also include the date you would like to pick up your plants.

    Plants will be available beginning April 19th.  Orders must be placed at least FOUR days prior to your pickup date to ensure I have time to fill the order.

  5. Plants will be in boxes by my driveway gate beginning at 8 a.m. on the day you indicated that you will pick them up.  My address is 215 East 97th Street, KCMO
  6. Understand that if I am out of a particular variety that you ordered, I will substitute it with a comparable plant variety.


Orders will be filled in order of plant pickup date.  Set your plant pickup date early to have the best chance at getting those special varieties.

If you are unable to pay with PayPal, you may mail me a check along with your list of plants and the date you want to pick them up.  Checks must be received at least one week before the plant pickup date you select.  Makes checks payable to James Worley, 215 East 97th Street, Kansas City, MO 64114

To keep things simple, I will not be selling grow bags or silver mulch film this year.  Doing these online pre-orders will be complicated and time consuming, so I am trying to streamline the process as much as possible.

Please realize that I have hundreds of gardeners visit my backyard each year for plant sales.  I love all of you and especially love seeing you and your families grow.  It pains me greatly not to see you this year, but this will pass and I’ll see you next spring!

Also keep in mind that I am very busy this year with my new business “Yum Yards” and may not have time to answer e-mail questions promptly.


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Online Ordering and Driveway Pickup for Plant Sales this year.

Due to the COVID-19 virus and the need for social distancing to slow the spread of this, I will now not have open sale dates.  It pains me greatly not to be able to see all of your smiling faces, beautiful families, and talk tomato on the back patio, but we need to be responsible for the health of all of us.

I will post details in the next week about how to order my plants online and how to pick them up in my driveway.  I will also update the list as I’ve lost a few types of peppers and have an entire tray of tomato varieties I can’t find the sheet for!  Stay tuned for next week’s updated blog with the new list and information on how to order your plants and pick them up in a safe manner.

Thank you for your understanding….I miss all of you!

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